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【授转】Earthbound Halloween Hack - MEGALOVANIA [in the style of Tears]

2022-10-1 6:19
[视频作者] 尘埃-异虫
[视频时长] 2:45
[视频类型] 演奏
https://youtu.be/7HI2Ci9Zkn8 本曲作者:MidnightStriked Megalovania(Earthbound Halloween Hack)原作者:Toby Fox Tears in the rain原作者:Drop0ff(BDV) 曲目类型:MEGALOVANIA 涉及曲目:Megalovania、MeGaLoVania 所属AU/AU类型:无 对应角色:无 UnderTale by Toby Fox https://mobile.twitter.com/tobyf
[图]【授转】Earthbound Halloween Hack - MEGALOVANIA [in the style of Tears]
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