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【李群李代数,表示论与对称空间】【IMPA】Lie Groups, Representation Theory and Symmetric Spaces

2021-2-19 8:12
[视频作者] Octonions
[视频时长] 2353:46
[视频类型] 校园学习
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDf7S31yZaYz0tOKGnmp3DJ5_3_HCmT9g This course was given by Wolfgang Ziller at IMPA, Brazil. Part1: geometric properties of Lie groups and Lie algebras. Part2: representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras and of c
[图]【李群李代数,表示论与对称空间】【IMPA】Lie Groups, Representation Theory and Symmetric Spaces
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